Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sweet Girls

Enjoying a trip to the movies to watch The Lego Movie

Playing with Mrs. Potato Head's jewelry

This girls loves lipstick!

We received a "Flat Stanley" from my sister, Lisa's classroom.
The girls had fun taking pictures of their activities with FS. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pretty in Pink

Here is what happens when your husband takes a zillion awesome pictures and you have to pick a few to post.... since this is my way to scrapbook for the future, you know! :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Unexpected Snowfall!!

We finally got a good snowfall!! I shoveled my driveway three days in a row, because it kept snowing. It was awesome! It gave us the opportunity to meet our front door neighbors, too.  Here they are enjoying a two hour school delay.

The next day, we went to a nearby hill, which we have been wanting to sled on for the past two years! 

And a song to end it all ....

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

School Related

Recently, I unearthed this hat which I actually used to wear when I was six or seven. My parents bought it for me in Guatemala, and I remember loving it and playing with it a lot.  Tory thought it was pretty fun too.

Then, her school had Spirit Week, and one of the days was Crazy Hat Day.  Tory and Edwin worked together on this new masterpiece, made with pipe cleaners, string and buttons.  Tory said it was an aquarium.  She drew the sea creature and placed it inside her underwater paradise.

I also wanted to commemorate Tory's friend, Jazlyn, who had to move to a new town.  Tory still misses her very much, and is currently praying for a new friend to play with at school. 

Tory was super excited to win these two ducks for her Jump-a-thon at school.  They jumped rope to raise money for children with heart problems.  I also wanted to commemorate Tory and Natalia's sticker windows.  They each get to place stickers on "their" window section.  They do peel off, especially when it is very cold outside, and someday they will be gone, so there they are. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Cupcakes, Hawks, and Mrs. Ranch

Every Thursday, Natalia and I hang out with this lovely lady and her baby sister (though she is always napping, so we rarely see her).  Natalia had been asking me to make her some Dora the Explorer cupcakes she had seen online, so we finally made them together this one day. Yes, that is supposed to be Dora's face! :) It was fun.

Yes, they really only want the frosting anyway, right?

Another exciting event was watching the Seahawks win the superbowl this year! You can tell I am not a real fan, since I did not give the Hawks a post all by itself.  Though it is true I would rather read a good book than watch a football game, I must admit it was very exciting to watch the Seahawks win. :)

And this is the perfect place to write this little story about Natalia:  We were getting dressed, and I said to Natalia, "Let's see if we can find some Seahawk colors for you to wear!"  She emphatically said, "No! I don't want to wear Seahawk colors!"  I said, "Okay, no problem." and proceeded to dress her in her normal comfortable pants, and new shirt! Knowing no better, she spent a very happy day, celebrating the Seahawks without it upsetting her at all! :)

Here is another example of Tory creativeness! I got the ranch out for their carrot dip, and Tory suddenly jumps out of her chair and runs to the play room.  I was still getting dinner ready, and only half heard her snipping away with the scissors, and pulling out the tape.  I turned to the table and she proudly introduced Mrs. Ranch to me! :)  They even held her "hands" when we prayed before eating! :)
Oh, and BTW, she still sits cooly in our fridge, surprising any visitors who might happen by..... :)